Category Archives: Oops!

Mess-ups and accidents!

A “HAM” for all seasons – Mexico

A few years ago, Gary and I went with a group of friends (12-14) to Mexico.  We had a great time.  Lots of beach-side fun.  One afternoon we went to the lunch buffet.  There were so many of us, we took up an entire side of the restaurant.

As I was in line, plate in hand, I spied a ham hanging from twine in the middle of the buffet table.  Across from me was my friend, Betty.  I asked her to hold the ham so I could cut a slice.  We worked on that ham for several minutes before a short local ran up to me and said, “no lady, no lady; that decoration!”  We both looked at each other in shock! Betty and I sure hurried back to our seats, and had a big laugh (and a few more drinks!)   Still don’t understand why they would put “fake” food out at a buffet.  So confusing!  ha