Monthly Archives: August 2013

Fun with Fondue!

Cheese Fondue

Cheese Fondue

When you’re not really in the mood for a meal, it’s time for “fondue!”  I love the stuff – all different kinds.  Several years ago, Gary bought me and electric fondue pot for Christmas.  It has become one of my favorite gifts ever.

When I do fondue at home, I usually buy cheese fondue in the refrigerated section of the grocery store (Alphenhaus is a good brand.)  Rub the inside of the pot with a garlic clove, then add a little wine and the package of fondue.  Stir, stir, stir until melted and delicious.  (If too stiff, just add more wine or whatever liquid you prefer.)  I generally cut up apples, toast bread pieces and serve bite size fresh vegetables to dip with.  (Be creative.  Good choices include:  broccoli, snow peas, cauliflower, carrots, apples, pears, sauted shrimp or chicken, crusty French bread, sour dough, rye, wheat, pumpernickel or focaccia.)  Serve with wine and Enjoy!  Great fun for a get together with friends.

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My grandkids love to have fondue.  What kid doesn’t like cheese and eating with their hands!  Fun for a stay in movie night.  Also, a good way to get them to eat fresh vegy’s!

If you’re feeling adventurous, get a fondue cookbook.  The possibilities are endless! 

Gary and I have been to “Simply Fondue” and “The Melting Pot,” both in Dallas, several times.  Always a great time.  If you’ve never had fondue, check out both these restaurants.  (Their menus are available on the internet.)

They serve the entire meal – fondue style.  Cheese fondue as the appetizer.  You can pick from a variety of kinds … swiss cheese with garlic and wine, cheddar with beer, etc.  Served with a variety of fresh vegy’s and breads.  Next course would be the choosing the meat or fish.  Again, many combinations such as … filet, shrimp, chicken, etc.  There are several styles of cooking, deep frying or poaching.  They serve a variety of dipping sauces and coatings (tempura … )  Saving the best for last, desert!  You just can’t beat the chocolate fondue, served with a variety of fruits, marshmallows, angel food cake, etc.  YUM, YUM!  Run and go as fast as you can.