Monthly Archives: January 2013

Why I’m Doing This Blog

Since leaving the rat race, more of my time has been devoted to pleasing my husband’s desire to not eat “kid food”. Preparing a delicious meal can be fun and nutritious at the same time, as long as, I have a sous chef to help slice and dice the ingredients and clean the pots, pans and dishes.  (Written by Gary, my husband)

The truth is, that I have always loved good food.  When Gary and I go out to eat, nothing makes me happier than going out and having a great meal.  My camera is always ready to snap up an idea or two.  It’s like going to a cooking class, you get to sample different pairings and flavors.  Naturally, the presentation, or as I call it “eye-candy” is always fun.  On the other hand, nothing makes me sadder than going out to a restaurant, and paying for food that I can make better at home!  I’m sure everyone has experienced that.

Food is like art, very subjective.  What I like, many times Gary thinks is “ok”.  What he “thinks” is wonderful, I’m not always so impressed with.  As you can see, it’s a balancing act at our house.  Just thought I’d let you in on some of my experiences with food.  Beware, some of these postings are not so flattering!